Return & Refund Policy

Cancellations & RETURNS POLICY

Cancellation and Returns

You can cancel your purchase within 14 days. For cancellations and returns, you can contact our customer service. Please ensure that the items you are returning are unopened and in the original packaging.



After we receives your return goods, we will reimburse to you within 14 days all payments received from you, including the cost of delivery.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.



Can I return a product if I no longer want it?

We want all our customers to enjoy their products so if you’re not happy with your order then you can send it back to us within 14 days. Please contact customer service to start this process.


Will you refund my postage costs to return an item?

We are more than happy to refund postage costs to return an item where the return is required due to our error. For instance:

-If we sent you the wrong item

-If the item is damaged or faulty


We will not refund postage costs to return items which are unwanted or no longer required. These costs will need to be covered by the you. We will not refund postage costs to return items due to reported damage or fault where no error was later found.


What should I do if I receive an incorrect item?

We have high standards when it comes to packaging your order however mistakes, do occur from time to time. Please accept our apologies if you have received an incorrect item. As part of our customer objectives, we will do our upmost to resolve your query with speed and with absolute minimal inconvenience. We will review each case individually when considering the return of the product; in some cases we may require further information such as pictures so we can choose the best course of action.

What should I do if my item is damaged?

Although we take care to prevent any damage to your goods, during transit it is possible that problems may arise. Please accept our apologies if you have received a damaged item.

You can contact our customer service and please attach any pictures you have of the damage. Our customer service will review the details and offer the best resolution to resolve your query.

How do I arrange a return?

Please contact our customer service to arrange your return. We will need to know your order number, the item you want to return and the reason for return. Please package the item securely and mail it back to us. If you request a replacement and the product is no longer available, we will process a refund back to the original account used to purchase the item.


If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have handled the return or replacement of any item, we want to hear about this. Our aim is to resolve the matter for you and ask that you please contact our customer service representatives.